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It’s not just your bones that benefit from milk; your teeth get stronger and healthier when you drink, too, because it contains calcium. Calcium helps protect your teeth against periodontal (gum) disease and keeps your jaw bone strong and healthy.
5 Things Your Teen’s Teeth Need Before Adulthood. Healthy Teeth Tips.
5 Things Your Teen’s Teeth Need Before Adulthood. Healthy Teeth Tips. The teenage years are a time of intense growth and development for your child. Their teeth are no exception. Just as growing bones and muscles need certain things to remain healthy, your teen’s teeth also must have adequate care in order to develop properly […]
What is cosmetic dentistry and how can you improve the condition of your teeth?
Cosmetic dentistry Brooklyn New York. Dr. Irina Feldbein. What is cosmetic dentistry and how can you improve the condition of your teeth? Cosmetic dentistry is one of the most talked about subjects. And although it is a field in dentistry with long history and many breakthroughs and achievements, not everybody knows what cosmetic dentistry really […]
How to End Bad Breath
Occasional bad breath is just a part of life. But if you have chronic bad breath, it can be a constant source of embarrassment that can affect your life in a variety of ways. Bad breath can drive away friends, damage your relationships, and even have a negative impact on your career. Fortunately, the causes […]